Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Have you all heard about Fiverr? It's an online gig market place you can go to, to not only offer services of your own work, but conduct business with professionals in different fields like Graphic Design, Digital Marketing, Writing and Translation, Video and Animation and more. From my understanding, Fiverr is all about selling and purchasing these different services at an affordable price. Services start at $5 and can go up to a maximum of $5000. It can be a great way to get a small side business going of your own, marketing all of your professional talents.
Sooo, allow me to give my own plug of business.
Audio recording: I have audio recording experience, and a friendly voice. I will record anything upon request, (I do reserve the right to refuse topics that aren't in accordance with my comfort zone.)
Transcribe: I will transcribe anything in English.
Blog: I will personally give a shout out or promote anything that you would like to be marketed (I reserve the right to refuse anything that I don't believe in and/or are not comfortable with.) I need to be able to fully understand what I am marketing before I put my name to it.
Hand written services: I will personally hand write anything needed, up to five pages, in straight hand or cursive.
Custom orders available upon request. Please visit my personal page to set up a gig! I'd love to hear from you!
Thank you!
Xo, Amanda
Everyone Loves Money!
A new way that I have learned about making money, is through Facebook market place. From the research I have done thus far, all you need to do is post about the product you are selling, take pictures, and add in necessary info and wait for your customers. I've started doing this, and I must say that I like it a lot. There appear to be no commission fees taken, which means more money as the seller. Here is my personal link to my items that I am selling through the Facebook market place. Please take a look here, if you see anything of interest, I look forward to conducting business!
Monday, October 30, 2017
Frugality is Financial Freedom!
Lets dive right in!
2) Save in store and online without coupons
I learned that if you want to save some money online shopping, just put your items into the cart and don't check them out right away. Wait at least 24 hours that way you a) know for a fact that you really want to purchase the item(s) but also, the software will often notice that you haven't immediately purchased, so they may offer you a small discount to give you and incentive to purchase. Give it a try! All you have to lose is less money!
A way to save in-store without using coupons is to take advantage of the store brand and not the name brand. I learned online that many of the time the store brand is just as good as name brand, the only reason consumers pay more for the name brand is to finance for commercial advertising, as well as product testing. As a disclaimer, I have tested out the name brand vs store brand and have found myself favoring the name brand at times. To me the product is overall better, but that is just a personal preference. Point is, there are many times where you can still get good quality using store brand products vs name brand.
3) Online Rebate Sites
I have talked about these rebate sites before, like, Consumers can save even more online using different websites like these. Ebates includes not only coupon codes but a percentage cash back. I actually received my first check today, it wasn't huge, just a little over $6, but its a start. This was simply just from some online shopping. There are several ways to save, you just have to learn how to do it.
I hope these few tips are helpful. Leave a comment on how you save money!
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Social Media: Professional or Personal?
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
A "Unique" Way to Save
Hello readers!
Do you love saving as much money as I do? From previous posts I've published, I'm sure you have learned by now that if I don't have to pay full price for something, I'm certainly not going to.
Today i went shopping with my mom and sister for some retail therapy, and what's better than shopping....saving money WHILE shopping. We went to a thrifstore called "Unique." This particular location is located in Merrifield, VA. The store is very large with many different department categories--shoes and accessories like handbags, wallets, scarves and belts, kids clothing, men and women, jewelry, as well as a home goods section. They have a huge variety.
Like any thriftstore, it can be either a big hit or a miss. Well, it was a big hit today! Scored about 6 items for only $22.10. One of the items that I was super excited about was a pair of Nine West shoes that were very lightly worn, black heels that were not only comfortable but were under $10! You just don't score a good pair of brand name shoes for under $10 even on clearance (usually.)
A big tip on how we only spent $22.10 was because on Thursdays, if You have the membership card, you receive 25% off the whole purchase. The prices were so great to begin with and with the 25% off, we saved an additional $6.58. Awesome, right? You just need to do a little bit of research and know the store policies.
Don't be ashamed to thrift shop, many of them benefit local charities or organizations. "Unique" benefits veterans, all the while saving yourself some green.
I don't brag about how much I spend on an item, I brag about savings. Saving is cool!
Happy shopping and happy saving!
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Make Money with Reading!
Over the past year, I have joined up with a wonderful company called Usborne Books and More. It is a book publishing company that sells excellent quality books at a very affordable price.
The books are designed for children beginning at a very young age, all the way up until high school, though anyone who likes the books can benefit and enjoy them!
You might be wondering from the title how you can make money from reading. Well let me explain. I became a consultant because not only can I read the books and enjoy them, but I now sell them. I signed up under a neighbor; she is my go to consultant when I have questions, or just overall want a team partner. Signing up is a one time fee, and you receive a welcome kit with all the information that you need, plus starting inventory of books, catalogs, and more. There are no quotas you have to meet per month, no minimum in sales, nothing. Just the amount of work YOU as the consultant want to put in, is what you get out of it. There are many different ways that you an earn money: web sales, Facebook parties, home shows, community fairs and more.
An added bonus, the more you sell, the more free books you earn, which then makes your inventory greater for future sales. This is all the while you can help encourage your student to want to learn to read and to make it a fun learning process. Everyone needs to learn to read, why not make it enjoyable!
Visit my consulting website to shop the catalog, and if you would like, become a consultant with me, that way you an start your own business, promoting a wonderful cause, LITERACY!
Monday, June 5, 2017
Miracle 10
The product is a little pricey, depending on your budget, but it is totally worth it. I personally purchased mine from Walmart for roughly $18, however different retailers will sell it for different pricing.
All you need to do is wash and condition your hair as normal, towel dry, and then spray the product in, and comb it through. That's it. Its wonderful and smells great too.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Homemade Crab Cakes
It has become a tradition recently for my dad's birthday to have homemade crab cakes for dinner. Yes, we can always buy then from any store or go to a local restaurant and pay $20 buck a pop for them. Why not make your own?
The recipe I did: 2lbs of crab meat, lemon juice, mustard, egg, mayonnaise, Old Bay seasoning, crushed croutons and crab cake mix. I "eye balled" all of the ingredients and them made them into patties. I generously coated my frying pan with olive oil and olive oil spray. I then let the patties cook on each side.
How well done they are is up to each individual. I make sure they have a golden brown finish to ensure food safety.
Bon appetite!
Monday, May 22, 2017
$0.52 for Skin Care
You read that correctly, I paid a total of $0.52 for some face wipes from CVS. How? I had $5 in extra care rewards from CVS. Extra Care Rewards is when you receive store credit from qualifying purchases towards your next shopping order. The qualifying merchandise will have yellow tags hanging right by the price listing, saying exactly how many of the item you have to purchase in order to qualify for the extra care rewards. Be careful, as they do have an expriation date after you have earned them, so keep tab on when that date is.
To explain exactly what I did, I picked up the CVS brand of face wipes (the generic version compared to the ingredients in the "Simple" line.) I then went up to the register and had them scan my CVS card on my phone, which pulled up my account. They scanned the face wipes, and then applied my $5 credit, which then had me paying only 0.52 out of pocket. Boom!
Monday, May 15, 2017
It Pays to Shop Online
Do you ever feel guilty about shopping too much? I know that for me, I need retail therapy, it really does work. You know what also really helps, knowing that I'm saving as much money as is possible. If you've read my previous posts, then you will know that I am a coupon fanatic, I will not pay full price for something, if I don't have to.
My friends know my need to stay on budget, and they have introduced to me to two amazing websites, that maybe you have heard of as well, they are called "" and ""
From what I have seen, they both are pretty similar in their overall missions to save money for consumers, the only difference is that Ebates may provide a slightly higher percentage in money back. From what I have seen thus far, Ebates provides you links to items on sale through different retailers, and additionally offers a small percentage back on that same transactions through the Ebates website itself. For example, through Ebates, if I was looking for Ralph Lauren items, if I click on the accompanying link, I can not only save up to 40% off of my purchase, but Ebates itself will also reimburse me 15% cash back. That's a pretty good deal, simply for shopping through a discount website.
You might be thinking if Ebates provides that additional cash back and Retail Me Not doesn't, why would you bother shopping on Retail Me Not. Well, here's how I look at it. Not every website will provide the discount that you are looking for, so even though Ebates might have the additional small money rebate back, if they don't have that discount listed, but Retail Me Not does, well, you are still saving money, regardless. Beggers can't be choosers after all. I personally have shopped from both discount websites and am very happy that I've stumbled upon both money saving tactics.
I sure hope that I've helped you with another money saving strategy. Happy (less guilty) shopping!
Thursday, May 11, 2017
A Good Money Saving Habit
I have an addiction--couponing! I've always been very budget conscious, but now that I'm a young adult working for my own money, and live in a very expensive real estate area, every money saving tip and trick I can do, I take advantage of!
We all know about the good ol' fashion coupons that you can cut out directly from the weekly paper, but did you know that there also other ways to save money-- digitally and rebate apps?
Digital coupons are now available through different website links. The main one that I use is directly from Here you can find manufacturer coupons that work just the same as the ones that are printed in the weekly paper, the only difference is that you can clip the coupons that directly relate to your purchasing habits (coupons are based upon availability). Once you clip all of the coupons that you need, print and go shopping. Its that easy!
Most people have a smartphone. Most retailers have their digital app you can download directly to your phone and you can use coupons that are only available through the app itself. Technology does pay off at times!
Ibotta--this is a great app that you can download to your smart phone and get cash back on everyday purchases from grocery to apparel as well as your favorite dining establishments. All you need to do is select the rebate for the specific product based upon the category of retailer you are shopping from, and then provide proof of purchase and you are set! You are not going to get a ton of money back in a quick amount of time, but it does add up. I've been using Ibotta for just about a year and have earned $100 back! That's $100 just from taking a few minutes from each shopping experience and seeing if I purchased any qualifying rebates. Not bad, right?
Checkout 51 is another app very similar to Ibotta. You provide proof of purchase and then select the items you would like to have your cash back from.
One trick that many people may not know about is that you can use all of these ways to buy an everyday item for a much reduced cost. How? For example, I buy Woolite when I wash dark or delicate clothing items, to keep their dark fabric and shape. There have been times where I have a manufacture coupon, a store promotion, as well as the digital coupons available through the retailer app as well as rebate apps. I'm not saying this will work every single time, but sometimes the stars are aligned properly, and you can combine many of these money saving ways to reap the most in savings.
I think most can agree that this is a good habit to have.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Stop Procrastinating--Higher Confidence!
Today I made a change.
I organized my room. I had been putting it off for a while. No, I do not mean basics, like leaving my bed unmade, or dirty clothes thrown on the floor (though there are days where the basics just don't happens, lets be honest.) I mean I went through clothes in my closet that I don't need anymore, old purses that I loved back in the day, but that can be loved in a new home soon. I have storage bins of out of season clothes, filing cabinets with old paperwork--you get the idea. Once I stopped procrastinating and actually did something, I felt SO much better. Like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and accomplished a major project that was really weighing me down. Growing up, I wasn't the best at organization, my mom was always nagging at me to keep things tidy, and I just wasn't very good at it. Now that I'm a young professional, I actually notice how I feel so much better when I feel organized. A clear space is a clear mind and allows for creativity and not feeling clutter.
Another way of procrastination isn't necessarily based on organization, it simply can be about learning something new. For example, I have been wanting to get my own blog started. The fact that I am writing this, shows that I am staying on board with my commitment to myself. Yes, I written blogs in the past, but I felt that I never was consistent with the content that I was posting. I'm making a change and will be updating on a regular basis.
I also am learning how to keep up-to-date with the latest technology. I live with my parents, who are retirement age. They didn't grow up with technology that we have today, so you can say that at times, I'm not always as up to speed with certain things as I could be, I self teach myself a lot. For example, for Christmas, we received a Kindle as a gift. Of course we were familiar with the product, but we just never got around to purchasing one, and finally Santa brought us one. Well, I've been meaning to get to learn how our Kindle works. Now, most of you will probably be saying, you've had the thing for 6 months, what's the hold up. Well, I've had A LOT of other things happen that required my attention. My mom suffered an injury, which took up a lot of my time, between medical appointments, and having another family member dealing with health issues as well, between the two, my time was committed to their health first.
Now that things are up and on the mend, I'm committing to myself to not procrastinate nearly as much, and when I want to learn something, do it as quickly as possible. Knowledge is power!
Saturday, May 6, 2017
The Art of Cooking
I cook many dishes: chicken stir fry, fish, ground beef variations with pasta as well as a variety of sauteed veggies. What I like to do is take ordinary flavored veggies (zucchini, peppers, etc) and add life to them. What I mean by this is flavor them up so they aren't as boring.
Growing up, my mom would always boil zucchini in a pot, and don't get me wrong, they were good, but plain, soggy zucchini is well, boring. I newly concocted a sauteed recipe, that everyone in my family loves.
I take zucchini, slice them up (you can make them as thin or thick as you would like--they cook faster and retain more flavor when thinly sliced from my experience). Put olive oil spray in the pan to avoid burning. I then add olive oil, "Old Bay" seasoning, onion powder, garlic powder, lemon juice, and worcestershire sauce. Let them cook on one side for a few minutes, then flip them over.
They are DELICIOUS and tasty nutritious way to make your veggies more favorable.
Friday, May 5, 2017
Easy and Natural Beauty Routine
I am one of those people who was blessed with naturally clear, healthy skin (I rarely break out), BUT that doesn't mean that I neglect taking care of my complexion. I have tried a few different products over the course of my teens and now into my late 20s, and I finally have found a line that is "Simple", and easy on the skin, and affordable! You might be wondering why I put Simple in quotes above, well that is because the line that I use is called Simple, I LOVE this line. It is a wonderful brand that not only has no harsh ingredients, but has vitamins that are great for a healthy skincare routine.
My favorite products that I use are the Dual Eye Makeup Remover which most importantly removes my stubborn waterproof mascara. I use the Simple Cleansing Wipes to remove my face makeup and to clean my skin. For day time use, I hydrate my skin with the Protecting Light Moisturizer in order to protect against the harmful UV rays (yes, all year round even on cloudy days) and at night use the standard Replenishing Rich Moisturizer.
When it comes to my hair, I alternate among hair care products depending on the season and what my hair care needs are at the time. The one thing that I do use year round to have an intense hydrating mask for my hair are two ingredients that you can eat together, though they may not taste the best together. They are coconut oil and raw honey. I melt the coconut oil in a sauce pan on very low heat only for a few seconds (the oil heats up very quickly, so it is really important to keep the heat on absolute low.) I put the honey in with it, to make sure both are warm, never hot. On damp hair, I put this mask all over my hair, focusing a lot of the ends, where the most damage takes place. I leave the two on for 30 minutes to an hour, and then wash and condition like normal. A tip I heard about is to do this hair hydrating mask on your wash day as it absorbs better into dirtier hair. I noticed the first time that I did this routine, my hair was not only so incredibly soft, but shiny, even my girlfriends noticed! This is a very affordable routine, that I do every couple of months to maintain luscious locks. Your hair will thank you!
I'm all about natural, and affordable products, in every category of my life, as much as possible. I would love to hear any additional beauty and skin care tips you may have!
Regular Price to Coupon Price is a new treasure that I discovered last Fall, 2016, and it has been such a welcoming surprise. I clip all of the coupons that I need, print and scan! One key concept that I only recently learned was that you can combine multiple different discount techniques: in store promotion, digital coupons through the app, and now manufacture coupons both through the newspaper and through online sources, such as
One very exciting money saving tip that I have is how to get an item that is not on sale at all, down to only one dollar. I recently took up consuming for the nutritional benefits as well as a yummy protein shake. Depending on your budget, purchasing Boost on a weekly basis can get expensive. I became lucky the past two weeks; I managed to get this nearly $10 pack of protein shakes down to only $1.19. How? I had a digital coupon through my CVS app for $2 off of Boost shakes, I had a $2.oo off coupon I had printed out through and I had 20%off any item in store at CVS. Combine all those together, and I was able to get a nearly 90% off discount. Talk about a money saver!
I plan on purchasing my next pack soon, as I have $2.00 off again through, I now have a $3.00 off through the app and I have $3.00 in Extra Care rewards to use, so once again a major discount, and this is before the item even goes on sale in the store. It is possible to get a significant discount on your own, without an in store promotion, you just need to be educated on the different saving techniques and have good timing.
Launching a Business...Baby Steps
I am writing this post as a novice when it comes to launching a business. You see, I am a born entrepreneur, I love the idea of being my own boss, making my own rules, and helping others. I'm sure many of you are thinking the exact same thing: wouldn't we all love to be the boss in our line of work. Well, I have a question for every single business owner out there:
How did you actually launch the business?
What I mean by this is, literally what steps did you take to get the business going. Yes, I understand about having a business plan, marketing and of course the finances to cover all of the start up costs. What I mean is, when someone says that they started from nothing and then built a very successful business, how did you go about marketing, and going from perhaps the basement in your home to an actual business office. How did you go from being a one person, or a literal family business to having the recourses to pay your staff. I have read many different articles about how people have found a situation that they wanted to solve and thus created a product or business (I watch "Shark Tank a lot as well) and they have said how they "launched" their business. Well, I am one of those individuals who needs to know the EXACT steps these entrepreneurs took to make a success.
I recently thumbed through a book about how a mom wanted to have it all: a family, career and overall enjoy life. Well once again, she used that word, "launched." Its a great word in the business vocab, but again I ask HOW.
Please feel free to comment how you business folk started. Trial and error always happens, share your thoughts. Please and thank you!
Limited Income....Love Coupons!
My family does the majority of our grocery store shopping at Giant for two reasons, its our closest grocery location with great deals, and also gas points at participating Shell stations. For every dollar you spend at Giant, you earn a point, get 100 points, you earn $0.10 off per gallon of gas, 200 points, $0.20 and so on...reach 1000 points, $1.00 off each gallon. Certain items have deals each week, if you buy 5 of the participating items (shampoo), you then earn an automatic $0.50 per gallon, along with all of the other points earned based on the dollar amount you spent for that particular grocery shopping trip. For example, you spend $50 on groceries, and also purchase the participating products for gas that day ($0.50 additional gas points) then you earned a total of 1000 points, or a $1.00 off per gallon. Make sense? It is a bit confusing at the beginning, but it becomes pretty routine and easy once you get the hang of it. Now people have pointed out to me that I'm still spending that money on these items, in order to redeem my gas points, so isn't it a waste? I say no. My logic is, if I'm going to use the item anyways and it won't expire (non perishable items) or pantry goods that have a long expiration date, it really in the end evens out because you are saving at the pump, the same dollar amount you spent at the grocery store.
My most recent triple saver was one I am especially proud of. It was on shampoo. I had a manufacturer coupon for $2 off two bottles of a specific brand of shampoo. The store had a promotion of not only 2/$6 but also, if you buy 5 of them, then you earn $0.50 additional gas points. Bam! I was able to combine all 3 promotions. I ended up saving $20 on gas with previous points earned.
Let me just say this, I'm not a crazy coupon hoarder, I don't just take items out of the store I don't need just because I can get them for crazy cheap, or free, I use all of my items. I also don't store 25 bottles of laundry detergent, I store 20.....kidding! But in all seriousness, I use commonsense when it comes to deals, and have not built any additional storage places in my house, so I have keep in mind the amount of room we have to keep everything.
Last bit I will say on this, as you can tell, I am really passionate about saving money. Go onto different coupon apps, they are a money saver....<a href="" target="_blank">Ibotta</a> is a major one I use, it ranges from $0.25 off of bread, to $3 off detergent, every penny adds up! I also go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and print out deals. Check with your local stores policy, many times they will allow you to stack coupons. Good luck!
Don't Quit Your Day Job
My questioning behind this comes with having an entrepreneurial passion. Lets face it; the world has gone digital, yes there are still plenty of tangible ways of life, but a lot has transferred to mobile devices. Social media in its infancy was and is still Facebook, yet, there are newly developed applications competing with one another constantly. Facebook originally was created for personal exposure, and now many consider it more on the professional side with businesses promoting their services, and advertisements on the sides, targeting different members interests. Instagram even has become much more professional. Not in anyway saying businesses don't have a right to advertise through social media, just that it clearly shows that social media exposure has changed the way our world operates.
People are becoming "Facebook" and "YouTube" stars based on various content they are sharing, everyday content that goes viral. What makes them so much more special and noticed? Just some thought that I have. Feel free to comment.
Paying for Life Skills
My individual interests have a hefty leaning on sales. I currently work in a sales job that is about getting the best design for your budget. Sales isn't always about just trying to "sell" a product, but knowing what you are selling and all the options that can be included and alternatives available.
Being in a sales position is a wide variety of fields, from real estate, to a sales associate at a local or franchise business, and many in between. Real estate, I'm learning as I have family working the in field, is more than just selling a home. Its' about knowing the zip code areas, what the interested family is looking for, and all of the in between steps that involve the actual move. I have strongly thought about becoming involved in real estate as property values in my hometown of Tyson's Corner in Northern Virginia are skyrocketing with all the added business and transportation construction.
Another area of sales that people may not know about is <a href="" target="_blank">affiliate marketing</a>. Long story short, a business will reward a person if they advertise through linkage of a product and another buyer clicks on the link. You can read a more detailed description at the link provided above.
My point with all of these different types of sales is that learning these life skills can lead to more money in the bank and overall knowledge of a variety of different life interests You can have a career that involves many different components, so expand your horizon and don't be afraid to have many interests, I'm not.
Does the Pant Leg Fit?
The main step to alternations is to try on the pants, and to use sewing pins to hold the pant leg in place, after that, either, cut the pant leg with the appropriate sewing scissors, sew the pant leg up to the proper new length or do both! If you're lucky, your kind and skillful mother will help you get the pants to the correct length.
Don't give up if you can't find the correct length in store, and don't worry about finding an expensive tailor (unless you want to), this is where some helpful sewing skills come in to place! Happy sewing.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Money Back...AFTER Shopping??
The way it works:
1) Go to the type of shopping you will be doing (ex-grocery, at Walmart)
2)Once at the proper shopping destination link, look at the items available for rebate. They can range from $.025 and higher. Sometimes you will have to unlock the item, or other means as instructed.
3) Purchase the item and then use the camera on your phone to scan the bar-code, and then once all of the bar-codes from purchases have been scanned, take picture of the receipt to verify the purchases. Submit your receipt and wait for approval.
All of the instructions are very clear, and might differ per purchase. It's a great way to make some change back from shopping trips. I haven't always gotten lucky with earnings every trip, but if I'm going to use the product anyways, then might as well purchase now, and earn the money back.
This app pays you back to shop!
5 Minute Workout....WORKS!
Love Yourself, Not Photoshop
I myself have had my fair share of body insecurities. My body changed from the teenage girl body I had (19-20) to my now 29 year old body. I have developed wider hips, and my overall composition has matured. Clothing that I used to be able to wear 2 years ago, doesn't fit me anymore, not because I'm "fat" but because of genetics and inevitable body aging. There is only one thing that we can control, how we treat our bodies. That isn't only in diet and exercise form, but in our emotional connection with our own individual selves.
I was very inspired by this <a href="" target="_blank">article</a> by Vanity Fair, Demi Lovato stripping down, no clothes no makeup, and no, not for the immediate reason you may think. Read the article, it's all about confidence and inner beauty. Take a look.
Are you a "Shark?"
My entire reason for reflecting on this show is because I have spoken with various colleagues about the idea of "Shark Tank." Some say it's an interesting idea but wouldn't be interested in selling a portion of their hypothetical business because that is a loss on income for the original owners. However, other like minded people to myself have similar viewpoints to my thinking of how "Shark Tank" really does help each presenter on the show. Even if they don't strike a deal with the sharks, they still have had an enormous opportunity to advertise their business and to expand their audience, simply by a five minute or less air pitch. If they do strike a deal even better! Yes, they do lose a percentage of their ownership by making the deal in the first place, but if the Sharks advice and expertise is solid, then they increase their revenue by a large margin.
What do you think? Should all of these different business owners come on to the set of "Shark Tank", present their business model, it's flaws, and its target goal, and aim to have lessons from pros, or it is this just another show that will run it course over time?
Name Brand vs Comfort
Buy at the End of Season...Save Big $$$$$
Unless the item is perishable, seriously, buy clothing at the end of the season, and then save it. Your wallet will thank you. I almost never buy clothing when it first comes out, unless there is a very special promotion going on in order to get people to buy in the first place. It may feel a little weird to buy something when the next season is coming up, but hey, if the shoe fits (until next season) then buy it and have some extra dolla to go out on the town!
Phone Apps That Get YOU Cash!
Hello everyone! As we enter into the second month of 2019, (can you believe it?!?!?)…..where does the time go? I have learned that with al...
Growing up, I wanted to be a teacher, I had my heart set on it. You know what changed that–high school. I realized in high school that I di...
A new school year is upon us, or has already started for some people, depending on your location and education level. I am starting a new jo...
One of my favorite places to shop, quite honestly, is thrift stores. One of the main ones I visit on a frequent basis is Penny Wise, which ...